Why Choose BRAVA Talent Solutions?
Tenured Recruiters. Deep Accounting & Finance Knowledge. Responsive. Professional. Committed.
These are just a few of the attributes our clients have used to describe us.
We are Recruiting and Staffing leaders, with Accounting/Finance education and experience; and expertise in many areas of Finance & Accounting, within a wide array of industries.
But the real reason to use BRAVA is the results. When it comes to your staffing needs, we don’t just promise to find great talent, we deliver!
Our Guarantee
100% satisfaction!
For direct-hires placements, we offer a 90-day prorated refund or free replacement guarantee if our employee quits or is terminated at any time during the guarantee period.
If you ever feel a new temporary employee is not the right fit, we will not charge you for the first day, and we will immediately find a replacement for you.